Registered Nurse Springfield Memorial Hospital Virden, Illinois, United States
Aim: : The project aimed to improve the training abilities and competence of the nurse preceptor in the ED. The ED nurse preceptor can positively or negatively impact the career trajectory of a new graduate ED nurse; therefore, it is essential for the preceptor to have the skills and tools to precept effectively.
Framework:: The framework used in the project was the PDSA model.
Setting:: The study setting was a tertiary Level 1 trauma center teaching hospital in the Midwest.
Stakeholder Team:: The key stakeholders for this project were the ED learning consultant, ED nursing director, simulation center director and coordinator, and the ED system administrator.
Methods: : Based on the literature review, the nurse preceptor who received education and development positively impacted the new nurses’ successful transition into independent practice. Education themes that emerged from the literature review for preceptor education included identifying learning styles, providing feedback and evaluating performance, facilitating difficult conversations, and developing clinical reasoning skills. Case studies, group discussions, role-play, and simulation experiences were effective teaching strategies. This project aims to create an immersive, interactive experience for preceptor education. Developing and enhancing the skills of the nurse preceptor can positively impact the orientation experience of the new graduate nurse in the emergency department. Using interactive and engaging strategies in the preceptor workshop provides a realistic experience to develop the confidence and competence of the nurse preceptor. The plan for this project is to develop an immersive and interactive eight-hour preceptor workshop. Objectives for the workshop include the following: • Identifying the learning style and generational learning styles of the new nurse. • Developing learning strategies based on the different learning styles. • Develop verbal and written feedback communication skills through interactive case scenarios. • Evaluate the performance of new nurses in simulated experiences using an evaluation rubric. • Deliver oral performance evaluation of new nurses in the simulation environment. • Develop teaching strategies on clinical reasoning skill development using live simulation experiences.
Outcomes:: Evaluation methods used in the workshop include pre- and post-workshop surveys completed by the participants and surveys conducted by new graduate nurses whom the participants oriented. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the surveys for analysis of the overall effectiveness of the workshop and the impact on the preceptor participants. The preceptor workshop project data analysis is currently being conducted. The data analysis results will be available at the time of the presentation.
Implications:: Initial data analysis supports a positive effect on the competence and confidence of the ED nurse preceptor following attendance at the preceptor workshop. Data analyzed from the initial workshop includes confidence in using the skills and tools learned after the workshop and recommendations for future workshops. Once the data analysis is finished, the workshop will be reviewed, and updates will be made as needed. Recommendations for ED nursing leaders would be to encourage nurses with an interest in precepting to attend a workshop before precepting a new graduate nurse.